![]() 09/21/2013 at 16:50 • Filed to: essay | ![]() | ![]() |
You are a high school student tasked with writing an essay on a subject of your choice. You plan on writing on why driver's ed should mandate and require the knowledge to drive a manual.
You don't seem to have your required three arguments and some evidence. Quickly, you go down to your car forum and post a plea for arguments, along with a requisite car photo. Any ideas?
![]() 09/21/2013 at 16:52 |
Try texting while shifting. It becomes to much of a fucking hassle to bother and has the added benifit of forcing you to pay attention.
Edit: Also if there is an emergency and you have to drive someone to the hospital, what happens if they only have a stick shift car?
![]() 09/21/2013 at 16:54 |
This has been filed as evidence under "Manuals make you more attentive". Thanks!
Thanks very much for the edit, it'll be used for "you can drive more cars".
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:01 |
I'd say it makes you enjoy driving more(minus stop and go) and people tend to do better at what they enjoy.
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:04 |
if you're a professional car thief, it provides you with more employment opportunities.
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:05 |
One- adjust your thesis do not have it "driver's ed should mandate and require the knowledge to drive a manual." That backs you into too tight of a corner for argumentation. Try- "Driver's ed should require students to be familiar with how to operate manual transmission cars." This minimized obvious "too much time/training" counter argument. Why students should be familiar with how to operate a manual transmission car
Reason 1- Emergency situations (already mentioned) If a friend or family member is unable to drive for a variety of reasons- intoxication, injury, etc...and they own a manual trans car. The student could at least manage to get them some place safely.
Reason 2- International travel- Outside the N. America it is very difficult and/or very expensive to rent automatic vehicles. Being familiar with a stick-shift will enable the traveler to rent cars easily. (This of course is assuming that people travel outside N. America)
Reason 3- Far too many novice drivers are unfamiliar with how their car operates and thus are more likely to make errors in situations such as inclement weather. Manual transmissions give you more control over what the car is doing increasing your likelihood of maneuvering out of difficult situations.
Pro tip- when writing an persuasive essay avoid "universal qualifiers" such as "always" and "never" because one counter-example renders your argument invalid. Do use qualifying language like "most" "some" "may" "could" etc...
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:06 |
This is pretty solid. Thanks!
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:10 |
Got it. This is a helpful guide, won't be using all of this, but some of this will be used. I'm not sure if I should cite or reference this website topic for the essay (after all I did ask).
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:11 |
Here is a Power Point I give my students on this stuf f. Hope it helps :)
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:11 |
I think "you could drive a lot more cars" could use this wisdom. Thanks!
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:14 |
My parents made sure to teach me to drive a stick "in case of emergency." Several years later I was in rural Minnesota and needed to drive someone to the hospital...the only available car was a MT Ford Ranger. I got my friend to the hospital and only stalled a couple times. Pretty good since I had no practice on hills. I called my parents to thank them for the life skills.
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:15 |
It never hurts to know how to do something. You have good parents.
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:16 |
I would not worry about citing this website as we are not technically "scholarly sources" however any facts, statistics, or information you find on the web that you use to support your arguments should be cited. For example if you use one of the Jalopnik articles about how a thief was deterred by a manual trans site that article. If you find statistics relating to novice drivers making errors in driving situations cite your source.
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:18 |
So Resto Lada was supposed to me. Kinja logged me out and then logged me in with the wrong name!
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:27 |
This was immensely helpful. I'm on my way to a better essay. Thanks again!
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:39 |
Crowdsource it from the innernets and hope for the best?
Kidding. I think Automatch has it nailed. Absolutes are easy to poke holes in.
I would throw in mechanical simplicity, and the ability to pop-start your vehicle. I might appeal to people being more well-rounded and capable as well. You know...when the zombies come, it could be handy to know how to row the gears in a dumptruck.
Maybe cite the various countries that disallow an auto to be used when testing for a license. Tread carefully though, people don't like being reminded that America isn't always the bestest place ever.
![]() 09/21/2013 at 17:59 |
To be honest, most of my evidence gas to have some source, and comments on a car blog may not cut it.
Your mechanical simplicity argument is actually pretty good, it fills a hole in my essay for now. Thanks!
In this case, I'm reminding them why Ontario isn't the best place for droving ever.
![]() 09/21/2013 at 19:15 |
Because men who drive stick are more manly, and women who drive stick are cooler.
Because manual transmissions are still common in professional truck-driving, auto racing, and four-wheeling, and you want to keep your options open :)
Because you have more choices for your first car if you can drive stick. Many of the most economical and fuel-efficient used cars out there have a manual transmission.
![]() 09/21/2013 at 19:20 |
Thanks for the suggestions!
![]() 09/21/2013 at 20:50 |
I'm so far gone from school that I have no idea of the standard. Just brainstorming for you. I feel it's a highly defensible position. Maybe the debate rules of discourse make it hard, but I would rather have a driver who is versatile that one who is not.
A surgeon who can use a knife as well as a robot knife is better that the robot only guy.
That's all the logic is need.
![]() 09/21/2013 at 21:14 |
A better understanding of traction and its limits. Better focus on the mechanics of driving. Learning the more difficult car to drive will ensure you can drive any car in an emergency.
![]() 09/21/2013 at 21:43 |
These points seem to fill the essay, making it a lot more substantial. Thanks!